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New Developments at Strip Curtains Direct

We've moved! Sales are rocketing, the team is growing, the range of products we can provide is ramping up, and so we decided we needed more space to operate in.  Our new space contains office space for our admin and customer service staff as well, meaning we can continue to offer you outstanding customer service.
What Are Fly Screens Made From?

What Are Fly Screens Made From?

At this time of year, we start to see a ramp-up in sales of our fly screens and fly screen doors- as the weather heats up and flying insects begin to become an issue. But what are fly filters made from and why does this matter?

How Fly Screens Protect Your Business

How Fly Screens Protect Your Business

As you can imagine, reducing the incidences of insect-borne diseases is a must, especially in food-related businesses. This is where fly screens can help, as they allow you to reduce the risk of contamination but also ensure you comply with Food Safety Regulations too.
How Polar Grade Strip Curtains can help your Cold Room

How Polar Grade Strip Curtains can help your Cold Room

At Strip Curtains Direct, we have been providing polar grade strip kits to companies who need to efficiently keep their cold rooms at an appropriate temperature for many years. For those businesses whose focus is based on food distribution or pharmaceutical drug storage, these types of PVC strip curtains have been one of the most positive factors in ensuring their processes run smoothly and that they can carry on offering a professional service.
Why are anti-static strip curtain kits useful?

Why are anti-static strip curtain kits useful?

Static electricity can be a big problem in commercial buildings nowadays, but the anti-static kits that Strip Curtains Direct offer can really help to reduce these problems.
Four Reasons You Should Install Industrial Door Plastic Curtains

Four Reasons You Should Install Industrial Door Plastic Curtains

There is a multitude of reasons why installing door plastic curtains could be a boon for your business, including protection from pollution and noise. We explore the benefits more in this article.