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Midispan Racking Profile Beam

    Midispan Racking Profile Beam

      Additional information

      The Profile Beam for Midispan Galvanized Racking is a versatile storage solution that can increase the storage space in your workspace. Available in various sizes, this beam has a galvanized finish, making it durable and resistant to corrosion.

      The beam is easy to install, and its weight loading capacity of up to 660 kg UDL (Uniformly Distributed Load) varies depending on the profile and width of the beam. The beams can be adjusted in 25 mm increments, allowing you to customize the storage space to suit your specific needs.

      Whether you are looking to store heavy tools and equipment or light supplies, the Extra Profile Beam for Midispan Galvanized Racking provides a stable and secure storage solution for your workspace.