Now that the restrictions around COVID-19 (Coronavirus) are beginning to be lifted and we’re all returning to the office, employers need to work twice as hard to help their employees contain the spread of the virus. Our aim here at Strip Curtains Direct (and our sister site, worXmart) is to help you to do that, which is why we offer such products as our antimicrobial PVC strip curtains, for example.
There’s a lot of information out there around the strict health measures that offices need to comply with in order to protect their employees from current (and future) pathogens. We’ve pulled together some top tips on how to COVID-proof your office, and make sure you’re better prepared moving forward:
Tip One: Limit the number of surfaces employees need to touch with their hands
- Replace doors that open with handles, with doors that don’t need handles and which swing both ways - this way they can be opened by the employee using their foot or shoulder only
- Look at installing motion lights in all offices, as well as bathrooms
- Replace taps in bathrooms with ones which have motion sensors built in so that employees don’t have to handle the tap to turn it on and off
Tip Two: Embrace technology
- We have all had to embrace remote work in order to help our businesses survive this year, and we should continue to do that moving forward. If you help your employers to be efficient when they’re working from home, then they’ll be better equipped to work from home if they have to shield themselves. Make sure your office workspace is set up to embrace video conferencing so that those who are in the office can easily connect with those at home.
- Make sure each employee has their own laptop, tablet and phone so that none of these items needs to be shared. Limiting the number of items they have on their desks also helps cleaning crews give your office a deep clean more often.
- Invest in bluetooth technology so that employees can connect to conference calls without having to touch a shared phone or speaker.
Tip Three: Choose office furniture that’s easy to clean
Office furniture should be easy to clean with chemicals, so surfaces need to be non-porous if possible
- Workstations, desks and chairs should be moveable so that they can be cleaned easily, and this will also make it possible for you to rearrange the furniture into a more socially distanced, friendly space as more and more of your employees return to work
Tip Four: Keep it Clean
- Don’t skimp on cleaning, make sure your office is cleaned on a daily basis
- Use an environmentally friendly office cleaning crew to come in and disinfect anything you think may be contaminated
- Make sure things such as fridges and photocopiers are also cleaned, as these are communal things that many people will touch
Tip Five: Keep your sanitiser stations filled
- Sanitisers should be kept in every reception area, office and conference room - and refilled often
- Make sure your employees are using it, and your guests are aware of it and keep them filled up
Tip Six: Replace your fridge
- If you have a fridge in your office, it might be time to update it! Fridges can be breeding grounds for all sorts of nasty things
- You could also think about getting a fridge with separate drawers in so that each person (or department) has their own drawer
- Also, consider having two fridges - one for employees and one for visitors
- Make sure all fridges have hand sanitiser installed next to them as well
It is vital for all employers to think about the containment of viruses and the health of prospective employees. Strip Curtains Direct and our sister site, worXmart, are here to help you furnish your workspace to ensure we all stay healthy, efficient and useful.